it has been quite awhile since I have posted on here! What's New? Hmm..Well we have a new member to the family!! A pretty little lady named Madelyn Elizabeth, just don't call her Maddie infront of her Mommy!
Here is my cute little niece in some of my fave pics! :

Here is my cute little niece in some of my fave pics! :

Hmmm..What else..OH the twins' vocabulary is like EXPLODING! Mama, Papa, Gramma, Grampa, Heaer(Heather), Book, ummm baby..and a few others...They are getting big! in a few months they will be TWO!!
I have been behaving very well..okay...mostly..I did get divorced once and um well acutally IDK if Mom called off the D-I-V-O-R-C-E....Did you mom?
I am totally going to start doing this check back each week!
P.S. I am trying to go to San Diego in July..but We will see :)