Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stupid Q&A...and how to answer

Just the other day I found myself needing to go to the store. I love taking my kids out and about....People LOVE to come up to me and play with the twins and ask questions. On this particular trip, I found myself bombarded with people. STUPID people. I couldn't believe the questions that were being asked. Needless to say I was in a feisty mood. I had just had a tooth extraction just earlier that morning, and was in a lot of pain. All I wanted was to get what I needed and get home.

Every mom (or multiples or singletons) gets these kinda of people. But see there are two different kinds of them. Either you get the cute easy questions you have no problem answering or you get the person who wants to know every little thing right down to the very detail of "Is your uterus back to it's original size?"

I compiled a list of questions that I had been asked, along with questions that others have been asked and included some responses. I will add more as time goes on :]

1.What kind of fertility drugs did you take?
For the life of me I cant figure out why someone would ask this. Now this may seem a little rude, but it will do the trick. With a sweet innocent smile, ask "Oh, are you having troubles getting pregnant?" Some people would be uncomfortable answering this question. So it is kinda like a taste of their own medicine kind of thing.

2. Do they have different personalities?
No they are the same human being divided into two parts....

3.Said by a stranger, "They're identical, right?" Mom answers, "No. They're fraternal." Stranger response, "They are NOT!" ...................
Okay you are right! These arent my children, I just borrowed them from a woman at Babies R us...It has been an hour..I probably should return them.

4. Just wait til they get older. It gets harder..................
Why thank you kind stranger! I woke up this morning, just HOPING for words of discouragement, while walking through the store pushing a cart with two crying children.

5. Were they in the same sac?
Well hello perfect stranger. Will you be sharing your gynecological history with me as well?

6. You must be SO busy?
Are you volunteering to clean my house?

7. WHat do you do when they both cry?
this is my favorite....I get asked this ALL the I shrug my shoulders and like it is no big deal I say: Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I go to starbucks

8.SO are they identical?
Hmm let me see....not exactly..I have one in BLUE and one in PINK...I just said their names are OWEN and BELLA..hmm....

9.Are they brothers?
Now this one was asked right after the person was informed that they were twins.
There really isnt much to say to this one..the only thing you can do is shake your head and walk away..

1 comment:

  1. I so love this melissa honey well done! I am so proud of you for wanting to help others also. that is my great kid there!!!
    Love you so much
