It has been a crazy week with this girl!! but I can't say I hated it. Normally I am not a mushy gushy kinda gal..sooo let's just blame it on the hormones!
Friday afternoon I got a picture text..open it up and see a sticky note "I have my eye on you"..what the hell??? who is following me? I look at the number and I see 618..Sara?? no numbers dont match...Who else could it be? Heather?
So I go and ask her. I get a "nope. what are you talking about?"...Laugh becuase I know it is her... ahh the game starts here. I text the mystery person. EEEPP!! It isnt Heather like I thought. It is "Paul", The gay hubby chaser. So wanting to talk to the man who is wanting to get with my husband, I call the number..only to get hung up on GRRRRR!!!!!!! Of course I start to get a bit worked up...but my favorite sister tries to calm me down.
Just as I am about to tear into Riley.. Paul calls me, something musta been wrong with Paul cuz he has a woman's voice. Oy, I was soooo confuzzled!!!
All my confusion was pushed away when the voice said "I SOO GOT YOU!"
What a brat! It was Heather! What a sneaky meanie!!!! Even though I was about ready to reach through the phone...I was relieved to know that gay Paul wasn't real...That wasnt even the best part....I got to talk to Heather!! That was sooo awesome. Plus I got to hear Sara in the background talking about hmmm guess what.....ICE CREAM lololol...
So then of course my first thought was ..I am SO gonna get her back. Well I came up with the perfect idea. I am going to ______ Heather a _______.. I have a ton of ideas and can't wait to start making them happen....
And I know that everyone is kinda upset and mad about what happened between me and Riley. The only thing I can really say is we are working through it.
See Heather I swore...oops I mean promised i would tell you when something happens :]
anyway..I wont say not to worry because well, that wont make you all not worry. Truth is I am worried. But hey, like i said working on it!! lololol
Anyway..Thanks everyone for helping me today...and all the other times I have needed it.
Oh my .. Heather did that .. are you sure? I can confirm she was at work that day .. surely you are mistaken ;o)