O M Geeeeee I had a great doctor appointment. First of all there is only ONE bun in my oven!!!! We did the routine crap of peeing in a cup..we checked my weight (gained 3 pounds EEEP)...blah blah blah.. Then came the not so exciting part. The 13th week is the latest they can do this genetic disorder test. Other wise I would have to wait until I was 16 weeks for the Amnio...Sooo They did the CVS test (no not the pharmacy place) I had the privilege of getting a nice big needle poked through my belly to get a tissue sample. I LOVE needles and shots but not this one! So that didn't go over with me too well. The Doc said the results should be available in one to seven days! 24 hours to a week!!! are you kidding me? Now this test doesnt diagnose anything, it just evaluates the chances of the baby developing a GD..but still it is making me a little nervous. Then I got the best news.....since the test looks at the chromosones... we get to see if one pair of the chromosomes is XX or XY... Yup! you heard...well read me! We get to find out the sex of the baby way before my U/S!! So of course the first thing that came to mind was...Do I go and rush to tell everyone??? or do I play the sneaky secret game?? hmmm....I decided to go with the secret game...that didnt work out too well.. First of all some ***cough*** Heather***Cough***Sara*** Cough** are demanding and keep asking questions...and some ***Cough*** Me***cough*** arent very good at giving hints..sheesh...Sara figured it out pretty darn quick.. So like a big girl I got down off the table, pulled up my big girl(yes I am whale sized) bloomers, pulled down my tent....errr..my shirt..and walked out of the office with a neon green band aide (which freaking fell off!!!!!!) and my Calliou sticker..and hopped right into bed when I got home to relax.....wooooooo Now just waiting for the phone call...tap tap tap tap tap tap....
THINK PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL .. poor Melissa .. if it wasn't how many to figure out .. what else could it have been .. so I zapped ya! ;o) Awesome!