Sooooooooooooooo today is friday... I am pretty excited for this next week. I am hoping to GOD that it all goes the right way. The weather is really nice today! only in the upper 60s so it is pretty warm out and with the breeze it is about 60..yay!
I am looking forward to all the sales that are going on this weekend. I am really trying to not buy anything. I have a few things to save up money for.
Today I am probably going to clean my room and organize it. I have been going at it at a slow pace and would really like to finish it..
Soooo thats about it.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The kids have taken to coloring :]!!!! Owen had a hard time getting the hang of holding the crayon like a pencil, and Bella would hold it for a minute then stop. Bella is talking quite a bit, she can sometimes make small sentences. Owen isn't talking as much, he says a few words (mainly headder (Heather). I don't expect the kids to be head to head in everything, they are their own person. I love them how ever they are.
Hmmmm....what else??? I spent a good part of yesterday cleaning..then I got into a that messed with my cleaning....grrrr...One day I will get it under control. I have been pretty good about it, with a few minor slip ups. I am just glad it isn't has bad as it use to be a little over a year ago.soooo guess I can't beat myself up over it. :]
I have no idea what to talk about. I am only doing this so you will tell me your story. You know it would be easier if you gave me a topic :)....just a suggestion.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I have been lucky enough to be on entertainment duty today :)..
I had a pretty good Mother's day. The twins and I mostly watched movies and just lounged around.
My family is about to have to military boys on our hands. My cousin Alex enlisted last week with the Army. My brother Nick, signed a contract stating he is planning on joining the Air Force after he graduates. He is entering through the "Soft Entry'.
I am planning on taking a trip down to O'Fallon. I am really excited about it. We'll be heading down sometime between late March to late June. We really haven't figured it out, but that's okay we have 7-8 months before we need to worry. I have already picked out the outfits the kids will wear :). I am a bit nervous, but I think it is more excitement.