The kids have taken to coloring :]!!!! Owen had a hard time getting the hang of holding the crayon like a pencil, and Bella would hold it for a minute then stop. Bella is talking quite a bit, she can sometimes make small sentences. Owen isn't talking as much, he says a few words (mainly headder (Heather). I don't expect the kids to be head to head in everything, they are their own person. I love them how ever they are.
Hmmmm....what else??? I spent a good part of yesterday cleaning..then I got into a funk..so that messed with my cleaning....grrrr...One day I will get it under control. I have been pretty good about it, with a few minor slip ups. I am just glad it isn't has bad as it use to be a little over a year ago.soooo guess I can't beat myself up over it. :]
I have no idea what to talk about. I am only doing this so you will tell me your story. You know it would be easier if you gave me a topic :)....just a suggestion.
Oh these munchkins just have to be mine .. I need them .. gotta cause trouble with them and give back to Mommy ;o))))