This has been the week from HELL..I was really looking forward to this week, but everything just kept messing up. The absolute worst thing was having to put Miley to sleep. I couldnt even be there when it happened. Riley and Owen went. I was really happy though, that we brought her home for a few hours before. I gave her lots of lovin'. I don't think it has even hit me yet. I haven't cried, which is I guess in a way is understandable. I couldn't cry the first 5-7 hours after I was told about Jason. It is hard tho, because like I cant sleep. Monday night I got 4 hours, Tuesday the day she was put down I slept 2 hours, Wednesday night I slept 3 hours and last night..I fell sleep around 10, but kept waking up every 30 minutes and finally around 1:30am, I just gave up and stayed up. Riley has been so amazing the last few days. He has been doing things for me, and trying to get me to take naps. He is so at least..
hmm, we had a a pretty stormy night last night and a tree branch or something broke one of my bedroom windows..Ugh...
the next few days are gonna be a bit tense and nerve wrecking while we wait to see what Laurie's doctor says.....So we are hoping for some good news there
I also have been very like, on edge lately..almost annoyed. I seem to be getting angry really easy..but I am able to keep it down & not explode lol..hmmmmm...welll...Let me see if I can find some good news.........hmmmmmmm..................
Owen and Isabella are getting bigger. I entered one of their pictures into a Cutest Kid Constest..LOL..lets see how far they can go...I mean come on my kids are cute as hell!
and tomorrow I will be 10 weeks pregnant! wooooo!!
thats all I got..
Peace out!

Miley isn't suffering .. she is with my Freddie and Casey .. and I promise you .. they are having a great time! Casey will sit on her til she hatches like he does with turtles, and Freddie will watch her like he's never seen anything so awesome in his whole life!