Woooooo..Getting closer! HA!...well hmm I think this is my first Prego blog...
So Morning sickness is pretty much gone!!! just certain smells get me. I really really love grape and orange soda...oh strawberry is good too. I love my tum tum!!
Okay I have been really slacking on getting the word out about my baby pool.. so here is the link.... :] http://bebepool.com/BabyMakes4 .... you kinda have to scroll down a bit... hmmm
I got married this week. It is what it is...anyway
I have my next appt July 20th and then I have my ultrasound on August 21st..TWO DAYS BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY...I really really hope this baby isnt a pain in the butt and hides his or her parts....i really wanna know
A neighbor gave me a couple bins of baby boy clothes sizes newborn to 24 months..So Owen is set on baby clothes. I also just kept the smaller sizes just in case I have another boy. I did save most of Owen's clothes but it is still nice for the new baby to have his or her own clothes not their sister's or brothers old clothes...If I have a girl...well....hmmm...I am sure I can find some one to give the clothes too...good thing I got a mudder who is familiar with Ebay/Craigslist!!!!!!
The one thing i really really wanna know..is the surprise Laurie is making for the baby!! she said no hints.....hmmm.....
okay homework is done :]
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