Blog Hopping Tuesday!
Soo I was pretty much FORCED to do this by Sara at but between us..I was really pumped to do this! My only problem is she knows A LOT about me!...she says it is something about mudders figuring stuff out or whatever lol..I dont exactly remember..
1. I had the chance to graduate High School 5 months early ~ but I turned it down because many of my friends, who weren't graduating until June (or not graduating at all) thought I was a smarty pants and gave me grief about it. So I decided not to graduate early and walk in June. I lied to my friends and said that they miscalculated my credits. It really was a stupid mistake because I had to suffer through 5 more months of school..but I guess it is a good thing I love school lol.
2. I want to be a fashion designer When I was a sophomore in High school, I took the class called fashion marketing. One of our many fun projects was to design 5 outfits. so for two whole weeks that is all we did in class! I LOVED IT. I spent a lot of time drawing, sketching, coloring, erasing, god I loved it. and I still do. I only wish I could sew and make my drawings for real! To this day once in a while I will draw something for me or my babies.
3. I know how to pole dance I had a friend who's mother was a pole dance exercise instructor. It was also for women to spice up their sex lives. It wasnt intended for women who wanted to be strippers. but of course some strippers did this class. So anyway my friend learned how to do this (when she was 18)..I was 16. So one day we were ditching school and we went to the parking lot across from the school by the abandoned old library building and she started doing some moves on the old flag pole..and Of course I wanted to she taught really helped with my flexiblity and upper arm strength and believe it or not it really helped with my running in cross country and in track running hurdles! I havent done it in a while so I am probably really rusty LOL
LOL! I had a hard time trying to think of three things that nobody would know .. and even now don't know if I managed to do it! Can't tell secrets!! Not that I have any .. nope, not me!
So posting this and going to see what happens next ..

LOL .. Pole Dancing? For sure I didn't know that one!! Fantastic on the fashion design - go for it!