It has been a crazy week with this girl!! but I can't say I hated it. Normally I am not a mushy gushy kinda gal..sooo let's just blame it on the hormones!
Friday afternoon I got a picture it up and see a sticky note "I have my eye on you"..what the hell??? who is following me? I look at the number and I see 618..Sara?? no numbers dont match...Who else could it be? Heather?
So I go and ask her. I get a "nope. what are you talking about?"...Laugh becuase I know it is her... ahh the game starts here. I text the mystery person. EEEPP!! It isnt Heather like I thought. It is "Paul", The gay hubby chaser. So wanting to talk to the man who is wanting to get with my husband, I call the number..only to get hung up on GRRRRR!!!!!!! Of course I start to get a bit worked up...but my favorite sister tries to calm me down.
Just as I am about to tear into Riley.. Paul calls me, something musta been wrong with Paul cuz he has a woman's voice. Oy, I was soooo confuzzled!!!
All my confusion was pushed away when the voice said "I SOO GOT YOU!"
What a brat! It was Heather! What a sneaky meanie!!!! Even though I was about ready to reach through the phone...I was relieved to know that gay Paul wasn't real...That wasnt even the best part....I got to talk to Heather!! That was sooo awesome. Plus I got to hear Sara in the background talking about hmmm guess what.....ICE CREAM lololol...
So then of course my first thought was ..I am SO gonna get her back. Well I came up with the perfect idea. I am going to ______ Heather a _______.. I have a ton of ideas and can't wait to start making them happen....
And I know that everyone is kinda upset and mad about what happened between me and Riley. The only thing I can really say is we are working through it.
See Heather I swore...oops I mean promised i would tell you when something happens :]
anyway..I wont say not to worry because well, that wont make you all not worry. Truth is I am worried. But hey, like i said working on it!! lololol
Anyway..Thanks everyone for helping me today...and all the other times I have needed it.
I had an okay weekend. Friday was crap lol.... saturday I really didnt do anything, I took the twins to the fair..we were only there for a few hours...Owen didnt enjoy it, he fussed a bunch so we ended up leaving. Sunday was whatever and I took the three older boys to see harry was really funny!! omg but it was also scary! there was this part where about a million dead zombie babies jumped out of the water and on to harry..well when it grabbed his arm it scared the pure crap out of me I wanted to cry! haha..but it was alright. i actually liked it.
O M Geeeeee I had a great doctor appointment. First of all there is only ONE bun in my oven!!!! We did the routine crap of peeing in a cup..we checked my weight (gained 3 pounds EEEP)...blah blah blah..Then came the not so exciting part. The 13th week is the latest they can do this genetic disorder test. Other wise I would have to wait until I was 16 weeks for the Amnio...Sooo They did the CVS test (no not the pharmacy place) I had the privilege of getting a nice big needle poked through my belly to get a tissue sample. I LOVE needles and shots but not this one! So that didn't go over with me too well. The Doc said the results should be available in one to seven days! 24 hours to a week!!! are you kidding me? Now this test doesnt diagnose anything, it just evaluates the chances of the baby developing a GD..but still it is making me a little nervous. Then I got the best news.....since the test looks at the chromosones... we get to see if one pair of the chromosomes is XX or XY...Yup! you heard...well read me! We get to find out the sex of the baby way before my U/S!! So of course the first thing that came to mind was...Do I go and rush to tell everyone??? or do I play the sneaky secret game?? hmmm....I decided to go with the secret game...that didnt work out too well.. First of all some ***cough*** Heather***Cough***Sara*** Cough** are demanding and keep asking questions...and some ***Cough*** Me***cough*** arent very good at giving hints..sheesh...Sara figured it out pretty darn quick..So like a big girl I got down off the table, pulled up my big girl(yes I am whale sized) bloomers, pulled down my shirt..and walked out of the office with a neon green band aide (which freaking fell off!!!!!!) and my Calliou sticker..and hopped right into bed when I got home to relax.....woooooooNow just waiting for the phone call...tap tap tap tap tap tap....
I was kinda stressed today and decided to go shopping. I spent nearly $300!!!!!! oh no! but good news is that it was worth it because I need baby clothes. I got boy and girl clothes, seeing as I have no idea what is growing inside of me. Good news is I got a belly buddy!! SO....if she has a boy and I have a girl..I can send her all the boy clothes I got and if she has a girl and I have a boy I can send her all the girls!!! but if we have the same sex...well...hmm...idk.I will worry about that later LOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so here is some pictures of the baby closet now! it was nearly empty except for most of the shelves on the side.
my house is full now! I have 7! count'um 7!!! kids...there are my three stepkids, my niece and nephew and my twins. soon number 8 and possibly 9 will be coming into the world. YUP! it might be twins again. I am hoping not, but I am ready for anything.
I should get going I still have a lot to do for Heather and Sara in the next hour!!!
Blog Hopping Tuesday!
Soo I was pretty much FORCED to do this by Sara at but between us..I was really pumped to do this! My only problem is she knows A LOT about me!...she says it is something about mudders figuring stuff out or whatever lol..I dont exactly remember..
1. I had the chance to graduate High School 5 months early ~ but I turned it down because many of my friends, who weren't graduating until June (or not graduating at all) thought I was a smarty pants and gave me grief about it. So I decided not to graduate early and walk in June. I lied to my friends and said that they miscalculated my credits. It really was a stupid mistake because I had to suffer through 5 more months of school..but I guess it is a good thing I love school lol.
2. I want to be a fashion designer When I was a sophomore in High school, I took the class called fashion marketing. One of our many fun projects was to design 5 outfits. so for two whole weeks that is all we did in class! I LOVED IT. I spent a lot of time drawing, sketching, coloring, erasing, god I loved it. and I still do. I only wish I could sew and make my drawings for real! To this day once in a while I will draw something for me or my babies.
3. I know how to pole dance I had a friend who's mother was a pole dance exercise instructor. It was also for women to spice up their sex lives. It wasnt intended for women who wanted to be strippers. but of course some strippers did this class. So anyway my friend learned how to do this (when she was 18)..I was 16. So one day we were ditching school and we went to the parking lot across from the school by the abandoned old library building and she started doing some moves on the old flag pole..and Of course I wanted to she taught really helped with my flexiblity and upper arm strength and believe it or not it really helped with my running in cross country and in track running hurdles! I havent done it in a while so I am probably really rusty LOL
LOL! I had a hard time trying to think of three things that nobody would know .. and even now don't know if I managed to do it! Can't tell secrets!! Not that I have any .. nope, not me!
So posting this and going to see what happens next ..
Woooooo..Getting closer! HA!...well hmm I think this is my first Prego blog...
So Morning sickness is pretty much gone!!! just certain smells get me. I really really love grape and orange soda...oh strawberry is good too. I love my tum tum!!
Okay I have been really slacking on getting the word out about my baby pool.. so here is the link.... :] .... you kinda have to scroll down a bit... hmmm
I got married this week. It is what it is...anyway
I have my next appt July 20th and then I have my ultrasound on August 21st..TWO DAYS BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY...I really really hope this baby isnt a pain in the butt and hides his or her parts....i really wanna know
A neighbor gave me a couple bins of baby boy clothes sizes newborn to 24 months..So Owen is set on baby clothes. I also just kept the smaller sizes just in case I have another boy. I did save most of Owen's clothes but it is still nice for the new baby to have his or her own clothes not their sister's or brothers old clothes...If I have a girl...well....hmmm...I am sure I can find some one to give the clothes too...good thing I got a mudder who is familiar with Ebay/Craigslist!!!!!!
The one thing i really really wanna the surprise Laurie is making for the baby!! she said no hints.....hmmm.....
For the last two days all I have heard was how hurt everyone is, how disappointed in me, how confused and mad and everything else. What about me? I am hurt..even angry. I know that me marrying RIley this suddenly, maybe wasnt my brightest move, but it is something I WANTED, something I felt was right. I am not proud of what I did, but I am happy. I actually woke up smiling today. I even got a full nights sleep.
I cant deal with this....I just cant. So maybe this next move isnt smart, but honestly I dont know if I can forgive anyone. I am a very forgiving person but, this just wasnt even fair.
July is my second favorite month of the year (August being my first!). So many fun things going on this month. We got THREE birthdays (that I know of haha). Sara, Laurie and Sofia!...and they all are like one right after another! Laurie's is the 13th, Sara's is the 15th, and Sofia's is the 25th! How neato!! oh and we cant for get the Twinkins (my combo of twins and munchkins lol) will be 8 months....
The only ONE complaint I have about July--THE HUMIDITY!! EEP!! MY HAIR!! July my hair goes crazy!! I need like 3000 billion cans of hair spray! I would use gel but it flakes up and gets slimy and hard for me to wash out in the shower..
And of course because it is me..I had to leave June behind with a bang...If you haven't heard it from Sara....hahaha...just say "Nana plays the Penis??" I dont think I have ever been that embarrassed in my life!!!!!!! That is what happens when I am talking and typing about two different things at the SAME time....